Now I would also be happy with the job I got offered. I got accepted for Attractions and requested (what else?) but Jungle Cruise and Kilimanjaro Safari! Because who doesn't want to crack jokes all day. I mean did you ever think about why Cinderella was so bad at baseball? Because she had a pumpkin for a coach and she kept running away from the ball!
At character auditions I know that I am not the best dancer in the world, I mean I don't think I can even Move it Like Bernie right. But I have been told that you don't have to be the best dancer in the world you just have to be big! And smile! And wear a bright colored shirt! And yes this was actual advice given to me. So my selection choices for a bright colored shirt is 1. A tennis ball colored shirt form my summer long tour in the CARA tennis program, 2. My neon colored shirt from Watermelon Bust, and 3. One of my many gold shirts that say LSU on them. Decisions decisions. Think think ponder ponder. Well I'm not sure for now, but I will keep you updated on the shirt selection.
So my height range for the audition is 5'2'' Disney height I doubt would move me because I fall right into Chipmunk Height Range! This is really exciting because this height range offers a wide range of options for fur! And for face character my height options would be Alice in Wonderland, Tinkerbell, and Wendy Darling. My absolute dream is to be Alice in Wonder land for Disney, I mean I feel like it could work...
She makes so many people happy and can really connect to the kids. But even if Alice didn't work out I would be overjoyed to have any of the other face characters or even a fur character. I mean if I was a face character I would also be a fur character anyways. But either way, a girl can dream and I can't wait to make a complete fool of myself at the auditions :)
Next post I will be delving into the 30 day photo challenge of Disney! Stay tuned!
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